Mango Bob by Bill H Myers is a veeeeery laid back and easy to read story with an ounce of thriller in it. It is clear Myers is using this first book to set up characters and back story for a series while including a mystery.
The first third of Mango Bob is used to introduced war vet and IT specialist John Walker. You learn how he got laid off, bought a motorhome, and set out for Florida. Then someone tries to break in a copycat motorhome owned by a retired Boston detective named Jack Daniels.
Walker makes it to Florida but not without incident. He figures out why people are trying to steal or break into his motorhome. He also meets a shipyard owner who may become an important part of the series, or not.
By the way, Mango Bob is the name of the cat Walker promised to return to its owner in Florida.
Not much really happens in this lightweight mystery and there is little violence. Mango Bob does make for an easy, relaxing read.
It is clear Mango Bob by Bill H Myers is set to belong to the Carl Hiaasen Florida Weird mystery school and with novels by Laurence Shames and king of the genre Tim Dorsey
Mango Bob
Bill H Myers
Small Town Publishing 2012
311 pages
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