Though first in a series, The Grifter’s Daughter is not a good introduction to the Dani Silver mystery novel series by Duane Lindsay.

This thriller about con artist Dani Silver working a con on a televangelist is in its second half a somewhat decent read. The first half is a waste of the reader’s time.

Dani Silver, fresh from conning her fiancee out of a small fortune (something which never comes up after it being mentioned) is asked by a childhood friend to get back what a televangelist scammed off his mother. Dani sets out to get even with the televangelist but the scam falls through and the televangelist is the real thing. This is the first half of The Grifter’s Daughter. You wonder why Duane Lindsay bothered spending half of The Grifter’s Daughter on this.

The failed scam sets Dani Silver on the scent on the televangelist’s partners in crime. A crime he did not want to be part of.

The problem here is you, as a reader, have already been burnt by the failing scam. The second scam is really not that clear on how it works so you do not really get to enjoy the downfall of the bad guys. I just slogged through the second half out of sheer pig headedness.

I got The Grifter’s Daughter by Duane Lindsay for free on my Kindle through Amazon. That is exactly what you should pay for it.

The Grifter’s Daughter
A Dani Silver mystery
Duane Lindsay
Independent 2017

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