The Sausage Maker’s Daughters
A.G.S. Johnson
BiblioFile Press 2012
408 pages
Sometimes mystery novels are hard to find, but not if you look here. Set in the politically charged 1970s, when Vietnam, activism, and the women’s movement take life by storm, The Sausage Maker’s Daughters, by A.G.S. Johnson is compelling from the get go. Kindle at Amazon
Kip Czermanski, the rogue of the Wisconsin sausage mogul’s four daughters is being held for murder. Stan, her brother-in-law and former college lover, has been found naked in her bed, decidedly and irrevocably expired. Kip reeks of guilt, but her memory of the evening is sketchy at best. The family closes ranks, but not how you’d expect.
Kip’s insight, intense convictions, and sometimes antagonistic and rebellious personality are established and recounted via her current interactions and revealing flashbacks to her childhood and recent past.
Relationships both within and outside of the family ranks are complicated. Rivalry is mixed with surprises and secrets. Some run very deep, and very dark.
Revealing piece by piece, A.G.S Johnson captures a poignant twist of emotions with incredible depth and clarity, yet The Sausage Maker’s Daughters is not without its humor. Smooth, interesting, and well written, The Sausage Maker’s Daughter is an entertaining read, and highly recommended.
It is noteworthy that a portion of the proceeds from the book are being donated to a charity that builds libraries for children in developing countries. Kudos to A.G.S. Johnson for that.