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Starring: Tony Shaloub,

Number of discs: 4

Rated NRv
Universal Studios

Run Time: 563 minutes

Dealing with mental illness is not an easy thing and doing so within the confines of a mystery series is very difficult. Monk Season One is proof that clever writing and exceptional acting can create an endearing series. Monk is at the heart of it is a cozy along the lines of Hercule Poirot. Tony Shaloub does a brilliant job of maintaining a character who is brilliant and suffering from psychiatric disorders. Adrian Monk is obsessive compulsive and has a neurosis about germs and disease.

It is a clever aspect of the character to have him dealing with OCD which also helps with his investigations. Monk has an edict memory (he remembers everything he sees or hears) but simply remembering is not enough without being able to put it all together. Monk like his spiritual predecessor Holmes has the ability to see everything that we see and come to conclusions which once explained seem perfectly clear.

As with many freshman year hits Monk is one great episode after another. A common thread through the first season is the recurring issue of the murder of Monk’s wife Trudy who was blown up in a car bombing 4 years previous to the start of the series time line. Common threads running through the season help to develop the series characters and overall story arch. Monk wants to return to the police force, he has an ongoing combative relationship with his nurse Sharona, his former partner and now boss has a love/hate relationship with Monk and despite his success Monk has ongoing money problems.

When everything is put together you have an Emmy Award winning detective series that belongs on the shelves of any fan of the cozy mystery genre.

Episode List

Episode 1: Mr. Monk and the Candidate: Part 1
An assassination attempt on a mayoral candidate has the city buzzing and Monk trying to piece together why none of it adds up.
Episode 2: Mr. Monk and the Candidate: Part 2
Episode 3: Mr. Monk and the Psychic: When a psychic wakes up beside the body of a dead woman she is credited with having solved a missing persons case that Monk believes is a murder.
Episode 4: Mr. Monk Meets Dale the Whale: How does an 800 lb man incapable of walking commit murder in the house of a judge?
Episode 5: Mr. Monk Goes to the Carnival: When a police officer is accused of murder Monk is asked to solve the crime.
Episode 6: Mr. Monk Goes to the Asylum: On the anniversary of their first meeting Monk mistakenly goes into his wife’s old house and winds up being committed for observation.
Episode 7: Mr. Monk and the Billionaire Mugger: A billionaire in mid-life crisis seemingly chooses the wrong person to mug.
Episode 8: Mr. Monk and the Other Woman: When a lawyer is murdered Monk runs into a woman who reminds him of his wife.
Episode 9: Mr. Monk and the Marathon Man: A woman is murdered and a marathoner who has proof he was running at the time is Monk’s prime suspect.
Episode 10: Mr. Monk Takes a Vacation: Sharona’s son witnesses a murder only no body can be found.
Episode 11: Mr. Monk and the Earthquake: A business man who dies during an earthquake seems to have died accidentally but Monk believes it was murder.
Episode 12: Mr. Monk and the Red Headed Stranger: Willie Nelson is the prime suspect in the murder of his manager but Monk is not convinced.
Episode 13: Mr. Monk and the Airplane: Monk has to make a choice between being without Sharona or getting on an airplane.