Safe As Houses
Susan Glickman
Cormorant Books 2015
220 pages
The information on the back of Safe As Houses by Susan Glickman suggests this is a mystery: “Liz … enters a world of violence and cruelty….” It is not and she does not, unless you count a store window broken by pranksters on Halloween.. The body of real estate agent Andrew Scott is found in chapter one. The only and very ham-handed clue is 136 pages later and the two amateur detectives talk to the killer two chapters later.
Safe As Houses by Susan Glickman is just the banal story of a divorced forty-something bookstore owner with two teenagers. Her ex-husband has a new girlfriend and her kids are being teenagers. That is all that happens. The main character is not original enough to be interesting and what happens is not interesting enough to be original.
Oh well.