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Kill For Me
Karen Rose
Grand Central Publishing 2009
432 pages
Karen Rose’s Kill For Me is the third book in a series that ties up a bunch of loose ends. If you are new to the series and start here there are two things you can be promised: You will be confused and you will not go back to read the other two.
Simply put Kill For Me is gratuitous in multiple ways. The violence is gratuitous, the sex is gratuitous, the number of names you have to try and keep straight in your head to follow the story is gratuitous. A writer has to go a very long way to tick me off. My reputation as a soft touch reviewer and generous reader was sorely put to the test by the time I reached the last chapter of Kill For Me.
Rose sticks to the episodic method of story telling she used in Scream For Me as she tells the story of Susannah Vartanian’s return to her home town in Georgia. A high powered, high profile assistant district attorney in New York Vartanian was also a rape victim of a group of boys lead by her now deceased bother. The boys preyed on girls all over the county. To go into any more detail would ruin the mainline plot of this story which has more subplots than a soap opera trying to reinvent itself.
For the sake of closure for the readers of Die For Me and Scream For Me, Kill For Me is probably worth picking up. It would probably be best if the novels were read in tight order that way the majority of the characters would never have to be reintroduced. As a stand alone novel though this one is a pass. No matter how well drawn and defined a character is when the cast reaches a certain size (no I can’t put a number on it) the focus starts to suffer. Better luck next time.