The Comedy Is Finished a manuscript found and published after the death of author Donald E. Westlake aka Richard Stark by Hard Case Crime. Unlike other lost mystery or thrillers by dead writers, this one rocks from page one to the end. The Comedy is Finished is not some second class Donald Westlake but the author in fine, fine form.

The only reason this thriller was not published when first written is because Westlake was afraid people would think he had been inspired by King of Comedy starring Jerry Lewis.

In this Westlake mystery Koo Davis is a TV talk show host and former USO tour star. He gets kidnapped by five people who form some sort of revolutionary army. The kidnappers’s demand is the freedom of 10 people they see as American political prisoners.

Where Donald E Westlake and The Comedy is Finished really shine is in how the plot twists and turns. One particular plot twist is both brilliant and funny. Also the characters are strong and their development will surprise even a veteran fan of mystery novels or thrillers

The Comedy Is Finished is Donald E. Westlake at his very best.

The Comedy Is Finished
Donald E. Westlake
Hard Case Crime 2014

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