Kent Anderson – Green Sun
Green Sun by former police officer Kent Anderson is a very original police procedural combined with some magic realism.
Green Sun by former police officer Kent Anderson is a very original police procedural combined with some magic realism.
The head of a mysterious government agency disappears and its best agents, Will Robie and Jessica Reel have to find him at all costs.
Another wild and weird tale by Hiaasen but not his best
If you are looking for a good solid read that is more challenging than a cozy and focused on characters as much as the whodunit. Wednesday s Child and Peter Robinson s Inspector Banks series is an excellent bet.
Valentine biographically takes you through the various steps to becoming a pathologist a history of the profession,a couple of embarassing or touching moments, the morgue, and shares a few somewhat gruesome but oh so interesting inside stories about the process of organ removal to how pathologists also help make the dead for viewing and the tricks of the trade
Razor Girl is Merry Mansfield who is an expert at rear-ending target vehicles while shaving her cooch. Hiaasen is the master of the comic weird crime novel.